Category Archives: Uncategorized

Movement Tip: The Dumbbell Hang Snatch

CrossFit Seminar Staff member James Hobart demonstrates the Dumbbell Hang Snatch, just like the Dumbell Snatch we looked at last week, except that the movement starts with the Dumbells in the ‘hang’ position i.e. off the ground.. Everything else pretty much remains the same. Points Of Performance Stand on feet with hip-width apart Grip the […]

Movement Tip: The Dumbell Thruster

CrossFit Seminar Staff member James Hobart demonstrates the Dumbbell Thruster, which is really just a combination of the Dumbell Front Rack Squat and the Dumbell Push Press. Initially squatting, with the dumbells racked on the shoulders, you drive through the heels to create an explosive upward movement once the hips fully extend, at which point […]