This week, CrossFit Seminar Staff member James Hobart demonstrates the skin the cat for us. Skin the Cat is typically a more advanced gymnastics movement. Although it can be quite easy to flip over into the Skin the Cat position, the move really requires the strength to move into and out of the position with […]
Category Archives: CrossFit
Today, CrossFit Seminar Staff member James Hobart demonstrates the kipping pull-up. The kipping pull-up differs from the strict Pull-up in that it uses momentum to propel the chin over the bar instead of strict arm pulling strength. Before kipping, it is advisable to work on building the following to protect from injury:: – core strength, […]
You’ve most likely done a Push-up at some point in your life before starting CrossFit, but you might not have done the full range of motion Pushup we use in CrossFit. At the top, your arms should be completely straight and at the bottom your chest should make contact with the ground. CrossFit Seminar Staff […]
Also known as the Strict Press or Overhead Press, and demonstrated here by CrossFit Seminar Staff member Julie Foucher, the Shoulder Press is the starting point of all our overhead work. It is a straightforward movement, that relies primarly on shoulder and tricep strength, rather than skills or timing, but making sure to nail down […]
The Push Press, which CrossFit Seminar Staff member Julie Foucher demonstrates for us in this video, is very similar to the Shoulder Press, except now we use the hips to help us so that we can shift a heavier load overhead. We start the movement with a small downwards dip, then drive out of our […]
The Wall Ball is a great little movement that you will encounter fairly early in your Crossit journey. It looks simple enough, a bit of a cross between the Squat and the Push Press, as demonstrated here by CrossFit Seminar Staff member James Hobart. Start the movement with that perfect squat you learnt in our […]
The Thruster is sort of a barbell version of the Wall Ball that we looked at last week (but please don’t let go of your Barbell to send it flying overhead – the results could be catastrophic)! In this video, CrossFit Seminar Staff member Julie Foucher demonstrates the Thruster – notice how she starts with […]
The Deadlift is another big fundamental movement and differs from the squat in that is it a hinge movement. This means that instead of moving the hips mostly downwards, we shift them back, causing the spine to hinge forward at the hips. CrossFit Seminar Staff member James Hobart demonstrates the deadlift in the accompanying video. […]
As much as rowing looks like an arm exercise, most of your power for each stroke actually comes from the leg drive. It is also important to remember that it is not about how many strokes per minute you can do, but the quality of each stroke and how much distance you can generate with […]
The Box Jump is a great movement for developing explosive power and jumping ability. It literally does what is says on the.. well… box. From a standing position on the ground, you just take a big leap onto a box, stand up straight and then step back down again. The great thing about Box Jumps […]