CrossFit Seminar Staff member James Hobart demonstrates the Snatch Balance, which is a great exercise for developing speed, timing and precision dropping under the bar and strength in the catch position for the snatch. As with the Overhead Squat, it needs a strong mobility throughout the body and most people would perform this exercise at […]
Category Archives: CrossFit
This week CrossFit Seminar Staff member Julie Foucher demonstrates the Hang Power Snatch for us. By this stage you may be getting a little confused as the length of the movement name grows longer and longer! But if you break it down, it’s a fairly simple combination of the last 3 variations of the Snatch […]
The Power Snatch, as demonstrated here by CrossFit Seminar Staff member Julie Foucher, is simply a Snatch where you don’t have to hit full depth on the Squat. In weightlifting, this exercise is used to develop power in the pulls of the Snatch, but in Crossit, it has become a fully fledged movement on it’s […]
While the Snatch is executed from the ground, the Hang Snatch, demonstrated here by CrossFit Seminar Staff member James Hobart, is a variation of the movement which is started from a ‘hanging’ position i.e. above ground level in any of the following start points: High-Hang: Upper thigh Mid-hang: Mid-thigh Hang: Top of knee caps Knee: […]
The Snatch, demonstrated here by CrossFit Seminar Staff member Julie Foucher, is the first of the two lifts contested in the sport of weightlifting. The athlete lifts the barbell from the floor to overhead in a single action. It is also used by athletes in other sports to develop power, speed, precision and mobility. In […]
The Kipping Handstand Push-Up, demonstrated here by CrossFit Seminar Staff member James Hobart is a movement best left to the competitive CrossFit athletes. While it does make it easier to complete a handstand pushup, the lack of control required for the Strict Handstand Pushup means there is a reasonably high risk of hitting your head […]
As the two Olympic Lifts require the barbell to move from the floor to an overhead position, we will need to add something to the Clean to get the barbell from the shoulders to the overhead position and so we reach the second part of the Clean and Jerk – the Split Jerk – demonstrated […]
The Push Jerk, demonstrated here by Julie Foucher, CrossFit Level 1 Seminar Staff member, is similar to the Push Press in that we have the same set-up, we dip and drive through the heels, hit full hip extension and then use this hip generated momentum to press the barbell overhead. However as soon as the […]
CrossFit Seminar Staff member Julie Foucher demonstrates the Muscle Clean for us this week. With the Muscle Clean, the legs do not bend after the hips extend. This means you can’t drop your body under the bar and effectively need to use your arms more. You do this by bringing the elbows high enough to […]
CrossFit Seminar Staff members Julie Foucher and James Hobart demonstrate the L-sit, which is a challenging core and hip flexor exercise. It can be performed on bars or rings – first you will need to develop strength in a front support position, then you can bring your legs into the chest and eventually you should […]