ماهو تعريف مصطلح التيمبو (TEMPO) المستخدم في تمارين القوة التيمبو هي طريقة نستخدمها أثناء القيام بحركات التمارين الخاصة بالقوة وبناء العضلات، فاتباع هذه الطريقة يؤدي إلى زيادة بناء القوة والعضلات، مع القدرة على التركيز على الآليات (التكنيك) وزيادة التحكم أثناء أداء التمارين، مما يمكنك أنت ومرتادي الأندية الرياضية من التقدم في التمارين، وزيادة قدرتك على […]
Author Archives: strong-box
Tempo is a tool we use in training of strength movements that allows us to add intensity, focus on mechanics and control which enables you, our athletes to progress in training movements and develop strength without additional loads. Tempo is a method to control the rate at which an exercise is performed by breaking down […]
MEAL PREPPING – THERE HAS NEVER BEEN A BETTER TIME TO LEARN THIS SKILL If you’re serious about getting your nutrition under control whether that be for weight loss or athletic gains one of the most effective tools you have is “meal prep. Meal prep or meal preparation is simply preparing […]
STRONGBOX TOP 10 TIPS TO HELP YOU BUILD MUSCLE Gaining muscle is more complex than just lifting and loading up on food. If you want to increase a decent quantity of lean muscle mass you need to include several components in your plan. Just eating more without a plan can simply result in an increase […]
How to reopen gyms in Qatar after lockdown An understandable part of the response to the COVID 19 pandemic was for governments to rapidly lockdown areas where the public might gather and transmit infection. Gyms were among the first to be closed followed rapidly by pretty much all businesses save the essentials such as supermarkets. […]
Home gyms are all the rage right now for obvious reasons, prices are at an all time high and yet demand grows and grows. The sky is the limit with home gym set ups, in fact there are a couple of new brands of “premium” “VIP” home gym equipment like Pent Fitness to cater to […]
The beginner’s guide to losing body fat Improvements in body composition are not everyone’s goal but it is definitely one of the most frequently discussed aims of why people go to the gym so here are a few tips for those of you starting out on your journey and looking to lose a bit of […]
5 DO’s AND DON’Ts about Foam Rolling Foam Rolling AKA (SMR) Self-myofascial release is a stretching technique for treating muscle stiffness and pain. It improves the gliding of the body’s structures, including skin, fat and fascia, and affects your nervous system as well. It has become increasingly popular for improving mobility, preventing injury, improving your […]
Don’t keep your technique hanging and check out CrossFit Seminar Staff member Julie Foucher as she demonstrates the power clean and push jerk. Points Of Performance Deadlift the dumbbells to the hang position Extend hips and legs rapidly Shoulders shrug, followed by a pull under with the arms Dumbbells are received in a full squat, the […]
Points Of Performance Set up position for a clean Hips and shoulders rise at the same rate Then hips extend rapidly Shoulders shrug, followed by a pull under with the arms Bar is received in a partial squat, then stand Torso dips straight down Hips and legs extend rapidly, then press under Receive the bar […]